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Newsworthy Postings
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
The American colonists feared one group of people amongst them for good
reason. This group originated in the Middle Ages and had preyed on thousands of innocent victims for centuries with little punishment.
This group of parasites were hated throughout the colonies yet the magistrates would not punish them even though the majority of colonists wanted to. Our forefathers did not know what to do with them.
Of all who sailed from England to Plymouth, in 1620, not on of those two-legged "vermin" were aboard. "Vermin" is what the colonists called them--parasites who fed on human misery, spreading sorrow and confusion wherever they went. "Destructive," they were called.
Yet they were permitted coexistence with colonists, for a while, anyway. Of course, there were colonial laws prohibiting the practice of their infamous craft, but somehow a way was found around those laws.
In 1641, Massachusetts Bay Colony took a novel approach to the problem. The governors attempted to starve those "devils" out of existence through economic exclusion. They were denied wages and thereby it was hoped they would perish.
Four years later, Virginia followed the example of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and for a while it seemed that the dilemma had been resolved.
It had not! Somehow the parasites managed to survive, and the mere nearness of them made the colonists' skin crawl.
In 1658 in Virginia the final solution: Banishment! Exile! The "treacherous ones" were cast out of the colony. At last, after decades of enduring the psychological gloom, the sun came out and the birds sang and all was right with the world. The elation continued for a generation.
It's not clear as to why the Virginian colonists allowed the outcasts to return, but they did. In 1680, after 22 years, the "vermin" were readmitted to the colony on the condition that they be subjected to the strictest surveillance.
How soon they forgot!
During the following half century the restrictions were slowly, quietly swept away and those who had been abhorred since they first appeared on earth wormed their way into a respectable place into colonial society.
The "vermin" who had once infested the colonies, the parasites who preyed on the misfortune of their neighbors, who had been banished from Virginia, those dreaded, despised, outcast masters of confusion were lawyers! (This was taken from Paul Harvey's The Rest of the Story.)
The above is NOT opinion! It is historical fact! Today these parasitical sycophantic "vermin" have a strangle hold on the United States. They control Congress (most congressmen are lawyers), they run the judicial system (all judges are lawyers) and they bleed every aspect of the economy dry with their constant meddling and interfering.

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