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Newsworthy Postings
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Neocon Achilles' Heel: Ignorance of History
By Jim Betker
It has come to our attention due to a recent post at Freedom4um concerning the History Channel program Nazi Guerrillas, that the most ignored aspect of the neocon agenda, which we have iterated previously, is their inability to grasp the lessons of history and of human nature.
This is the fatal flaw, or Achilles' Heel, of the War Party's "shock and awe" campaign of pre-emptive strikes and "making the world safe for democracy."
The History Channel program is nothing more than pure propaganda, as robin points out, "as if worried the 'proper' parallels would not be drawn, the program shifts to Iraq."
The implementation of the New World Order has long been a dream of the utopians and power brokers epitomized by the Bilderberg Group and other organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and its British predecessor and counterpart, the Round Table.
The proof of the link between the current Bush Crime Family and National Socialism is to be found in the "Round Table" link above,
The combination of Malthusian population control, which included the deliberate neglect of populations and indirect methods of killing off population, with Darwinism, produced National Socialism (Germany), International Socialism (Marxist Russia) and International Corporate Capitalism (Global Socialism, headquartered in the United States), and these forms of social conduct have constituted the main reason for the unequal distribution of planetary resources, famines, planned biological warefare, environmental poisoning, suppression of knowledge, suppression of inventions, dependence on backward technology for the population, planned wars to kill off populations and general planetary disorder. The problem is in the Social Darwin-Malthus paradigm, which has now been combined with the pseudo-sciences of behaviorism and genetics in the attempt to assert even tighter control over the planetary population, yielding forms of Neo-Darwinism being perpetrated by a host of post-Atlantean re-treads, per a 1947 Princeton consensus.
Currently, in the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the U.S. and its allies face the unrelenting pressure of guerrilla warfare. Though we must take into account the fact that much of the so-called terrorist activity is being perpetrated by clandestine activity of the occupying powers in an attempt to promote sectarian violence as is so apparent in Iraq.
This brings us to the comparisons of the Iraqi resistance to the Nazi Werewolves. This is a clever propaganda ploy which has been on the table since 2003 when Condoleezza Rice, the president's national security adviser (and now Secretary of State), in this piece from Harper's, "compared the Iraqi guerrillas to the Nazi Werewolves who resisted the Allies after World War II; Rice pleaded for patience and suggested that building democracy in Iraq might take a very, very long time."
It is all too apparent that the analogy of the Iraqi resistance to the Nazi Werewolves is an open canard used to vilify Saddam and his regime as being Nazi-like, when if the truth be known, the Bush regime and its neocon puppet masters are themselves the epitome of Nazi-esque tactics and disinformation. Herr Goebbels would be proud at the masterful mass manipulations engendered by the compliant and controlled media.
It is not just Bush who has ignored the lessons of history, but all of the neocons from Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle and Feith and a bevy of their cohorts who have infiltrated the Pentagon and State Department and even infest the inner sanctum of the National Security Council.
Even the Justice Department is not left unscathed where the planning continues to implement similar terror tactics against the people of the U.S. which the rest of the world has now seen in all its infamous glory in the episodes of renditioning, torture and false flag attacks.
If anything, the Iraqi resistance more closely resembles that of the U.S. involvement in Vietnam rather than the Nazi Werewolves.
This editor had warned shortly after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 that "the intrigue is a deep and ever widening tar pit waiting for the unwary to fall in." Fallen in is what the Bush Junta has done, in spades, with a little push from the neocons and their Zionist masters.
It should be noted that those ardent supporters of this fallacious policy of interventionism and regime change continue to boast that Iraqi oil revenues will be used for rebuilding Iraq. Some even have gone so far as to draw a comparison to the use of coal and manufacturing revenues in post war Germany to rebuild that shattered nation.
The actual fact of the matter is that Bush and Cheney have seen their plans for Iraq's oil fulfilled to the utmost, that of keeping Iraq's oil off the world market to promote higher prices.
The only paralells we can draw for the moment is that of the fascist combination of industry and government which Mussolini correctly termed "corporatism."
If there is any doubt in anyone's mind that we have indeed long crossed the threshhold of tolerance for this insidious form of tyranny, just try to oppose the corporate power structure and their lackeys in government. The money power will not allow it.
Something tells us the Iraqi Freedom Fighters don't want anything to do with the whole rotten mess.
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